Kapets Nadiya

PhD, Lecturer

Expert in lichenes


<strong>Research interests</strong><strong>Education</strong><strong>Experience</strong><strong>Grants and Projects</strong><strong>Main publications</strong><strong>Contacts</strong>

Biodiversity, systematics and distribution of lichens and allied fungi. Syntaxonomy of lichens communities.

Ph.D., in Biological Sciences, M.G. Kholodny Institute of Botany of the National Academy of Sciences of Ukraine
Thesis: Lichens and their communities of the Teteriv River basin.
Majority: 03.00.21 – Mycology
Supervisor: S. Y. Kondratyuk

M.A., in Biological Sciences, Zhytomyr Ivan Franko State University.

I have 4 years of scientific and pedagogical experience.
2013 to date
leading engineer of the Department of Phycology, Lichenology and Bryology of the M.G. Kholodny Institute of Botany of the National Academy of Sciences of Ukraine.

2018 – to date
assistant at Department of Biology and Ecology, Pre-Carpathian National University.

Total – 20

Kapets N. V., Kondratyuk S. Y. New Data on lichenicolous fungi of the Teteriv River Basin (Ukraine). Acta Botanica Hungarica. 2019. 61 (1–2). P. 45–54. DOI: 10.1556/034.61.2019.1-2.6
Kapets N. V., Barsukov O. O., Vynokurov D. S. Pioneer Lichen Communities of the Teteriv River Basin (Ukraine). Advances in Botany and Ecology. Kyrilovka, 2 – 5 september, 2018. Kyiv, 2018. Р.17.
Kapets N. V., Barsukov O. O., Vynokurov D. S., Khomyak I. V. Pioneer Lichen Communities of the Teteriv River Basin (Ukraine). Аcta Botanica Hungarica. 2018. 60 (3–4). P. 331–355.
Kondratyuk S. Y., Lőkӧs L., Kapetz N. V., Pleskach L. Ya., Kim J., Kondratiuk A. S., Hur J.-S. Physcia ucrainica sp. nova (Physciaceae, Ascomycota) from the Crimean Peninsula, proved by molecular phylogeny. Аcta Botanica Hungarica. 2015. 57(1–2). P. 143–163.
Нипорко С. О., Барсуков О. О., Капець Н. В. Флористичні знахідки мохоподібних, лишайників та ліхенофільних грибів з Національного природного парку «Гуцульщина». Український ботанічний журнал. 2018. Т. 75, № 2. С. 179-186.


Halytska str., 201
Department of Biology and Ecology
Vasyl Stefanyk Precarpathian National University

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