2019 year of entry
Melnyk Vasyl: Assessment of the state of natural settlements of NPP “Cheremosky”, supervisor Ph.D., Associate Professor Mylenka M.M.
Guzik Oksana: Bioindication of anthropogenically changed ecosystems of Prykarpattia with the use of synatropic plants, supervisor doctor of biological sciences, prof. Parpan V.I.
Kucherko Igor: The invasion of Juglans regia in the Bystritsa River Basin: population status, environmental and economic consequences, supervisor Ph.D., Associate Professor Zamoroka A.M.
Skorobagata Iryna: Loss of steppe habitats and transformation of soil-litter groups of Coleoptera on the territory of NN P “Kremenetski Hory”, supervisor Ph.D., Associate Professor Zamoroka A.M.
2018 year of entry
Semak Uliana: Bioecological features of ash and slag dump plants of Burshtyn TPP, supervisor Ph.D., Associate Professor Mylenka M.M.
Ploshchanska Natalia: Bioecological features of adventitious plants of the Bystritsa river basin, supervisor Ph.D., Associate Professor Mylenka M.M.
Petrashchuk Yaroslav: Ways to ensure the sustainability of menopausal ecosystems of the Nature Reserve “Gorgany”, supervisor Ph.D., professor Sluchyk V.M.
2017 year of entry
Zeynalian Artur: The structure of spruce climax stands of the Ukrainian Carpathians and their preservation, supervisor doctor of biological sciences, prof. Parpan V.I.
Kimakovych Viktor: Bioecological assessment of environmental pollution of industrial zones of Ivano-Frankivsk region, supervisor Ph.D., Associate Professor Mylenka M.M.