
Reviewed, May 2024

Simchuk Andrii PhD, Doctor of biological sciences, professor

Scopus h=4, Web of Science h=3, Google Scolar h=0, Research Gate h=4

Shparyk ViktorORCID iD icon PhD, Associate Professor

Scopus h=4, Web of Science h=2, Google Scolar h=3, Research Gate h=5

Kozak Igor ORCID iD iconPhD, Doctor of biological sciences, Professor

Scopus h=4, Google Scolar h=1, Web of Science h=2, Research Gate h=5

Iryna Sluchyk ORCID iD icon кандидат біологічних наук, доцент

Scopus h=3, Web of Science h=3, Google Scolar h=5, Research Gate h=0

Zamoroka Andrew ORCID iD iconPhD, Associate Professor

Scopus h=3, Web of Science h=2, Google Scolar h=9, Research Gate h=7

Kapets NadiyaORCID iD icon PhD, Lecturer

Scopus h=2, Web of Science h=0, Google Scolar h=6, Research Gate h=5

Cherepanyn RomanORCID iD icon PhD, Associate Professor

Scopus h=2, Web of Science h=1, Google Scolar h=3Research Gate h=2

Riznychuk NadiyaORCID iD icon PhD, Associate Professor

Scopus h=2, Web of Science h=1, Google Scolar h=1, Research Gate h=2

Mylenka MyroslavaORCID iD icon PhD, Associate Professor

Scopus h=2, Web of Science h=1,Google Scolar h=0, Research Gate h=0

Gniezdilova VictoriaORCID iD icon PhD, Associate Professor

Scopus h=2, Web of Science h=0, Google Scolar h=3, Research Gate h=2,

Mykytyn TetianaORCID iD icon PhD, Associate Professor

Scopus h=2, Web of Science h=0, Google Scolar h=1, Research Gate h=2

Oksana Hlodan ORCID iD icon кандидат біологічних наук, доцент

Scopus h=1, Web of Science h=1, Google Scolar h=5, Research Gate h=0

Melnychenko HalynaORCID iD icon PhD, Lecturer

Scopus h=1, Web of Science h=1, Google Scolar h=1, Research Gate h=3

Sluchyk Viktor PhD, Associate Professor

Scopus h=1, Web of Science h=1, Google Scolar h=0, Research Gate h=1

Dolynko NeliaORCID iD icon PhD, Associate Professor

Scopus h=1, Google Scolar h=4, Web of Science h=0, Research Gate h=1

Sirenko ArturORCID iD icon PhD, Associate Professor

Scopus h=1, Web of Science h=0, Google Scolar h=0, Research Gate h=0

Uliana Semak ORCID iD iconlecturer

Scopus h=0, Web of Science h=0,Google Scolar h=1, Research Gate h=1

Hrytsuliak Volodymyr PhD, Associate Professor

Scopus h=0, Web of Science h=0, Google Scolar h=0, Research Gate h=0

Volchovska-Kozak Oleksandra PhD, Associate Professor

Scopus h=0, Web of Science h=0, Google Scolar h=0, Research Gate h=0

Shevchuk Sergiy Lecturer

Scopus h=0, Web of Science h=0, Google Scolar h=0, Research Gate h=0

Lysiuk Iryna Senior laboratory engeneer


Tsapiuk Lesya Laboratory assistant


Ivanova Olha Laboratory assistant


Svitlana Chiliak Laboratory assistant


Ruslana Laboratory assistant