Simchuk Andrii

PhD, Doctor of biological sciences
full professor



Research interestsEducationExperienceGrants and ProjectsMain publicationsContacts

Any organism interacts with an environment in accordance to its genetic constitution, raises unique requirements to the environment and in its own manner interacts with representatives of other species. Thus, intra-population genetic variation should strongly influence integrative ecological pattern of the population in the community or ecosystem. This thesis is a basic principle of my investigation on ecological ties among moths and other species, with which they interact in forest ecosystems. Application of allozymes, random and specific DNA markers has shown that the consequences of interaction among the moths, their host plants, parasitoids and micro-pathogens strongly depend on their genetics, raising ties among gene pools of their populations. Evolution of the ties during long co-existence of the moths with host plants and enemies forms natural mechanisms of their regulation.

D.Sc., in Ecology, Oles Honchar Dnipropetrovs’k National University
Thesis: The Role of Intraspecific Heterogeneity in Consortive Ties of Herbivorous Insects from Oak Plantings in the Crimea: Theoretic and Applied Aspects.
Concentrations: Ecosystemology and ecosystem genetics.
Advisor: Professor Anatoly V. Ivashov.

Ph.D., in Genetics, V.N. Karazin Kharkiv National University
Thesis: Genetic Processes in Natural Populations of Oak Leafroller Moth, Tortrix viridana L.
Concentrations: biochemical and population genetics.
Advisor: Assistant Professor Anatoly V. Ivashov.
M.S., in Biological Sciences, Simferopol State University
Thesis: Isoenzyme Polymorphism in the Oak Leafroller Moth Tortrix viridana L.
Concentrations: biochemical and population genetics.
Advisor: Assistant Professor Anatoly V. Ivashov.

I have 18 years of teaching experience. My teaching roles included lecturer and mentor (2001 to date). I currently supervise 4 master and 2 bachelor students, who also assist me in my research.
Extensive knowledge of field research methods and techniques; strong expertise and experience in experimental design, data acquisition and statistical analysis. Advisor of the Ph.D. dissertation by V.V. Oberemok “DNA-markers in the Study of Interaction Between the Nuclear Polyhydrosis Virus and its Host, Gypsy Moth (Lymantria dispar L.)” in virology (2011).

2017 – до сьогодні
Professor at Department of Biology and Ecology, Vasyl Stefanyk Precarpathian National University.
Courses: Genetics and basic biotechnology, General ecology, General biology, Innovational biology, Biomedical ethics, Human biology, Basic medical genetics.

2012 — 2015
Head of Biochemistry Department, V.I. Vernadsky Taurida National University
Courses: Molecular basics of Heredity, Biochemical genetics, Ecological biochemistry, Population genetics.

2010 – 2012
Professor at Department of Ecology and Rational Nature Management, V.I. Vernadsky Taurida National University
Courses: Genetics, General ecology, Population genetics, Ecological genetics, Ecosystem genetics, Scientific method.

2001 – 2010
Assistant Professor at Department of Ecology and Rational Nature Management, V.I. Vernadsky Taurida National University
Courses: Genetics, General ecology, Population genetics, Ecological genetics, Ecosystem genetics, Scientific method.

1987 – 2001
Scientific Researcher in Biochemical and Population Genetics. Simferopol State University.

“Genetic Aspects of the Interaction between Oak Trees (Quercus vulcanica Boiss. & Heldr. Ex Kotschy), Oak Leafroller and its Parasites in the Kasnak Oak Forest Nature Reserve.”, State registration №: 0112U007024 (International Ukraine-Turkey Project). Grant holder.

“Theoretical Approach to Optimization of Forest Protection Measures in the Oak Groves of Crimea: Insecticide Protection”, State registration №: 0105U002522

“Interaction of Gypsy Moth Populations with Pathogenic Microorganisms: Genetic Markers of Virulence and Resistance”, State registration №: 0102U001403

“Study of the Influence of the Genetic Structure of the Potato Moth on the Effectiveness of Biological and Chemical Preparations in the Field”, State registration №: 0199U001334

“Comprehensive Assessment of Various Components of Crimean Ecosystems in the Environmental Aspect”, State registration №: 0197U001972

“Study of the Crimean Nature in the Environmental Aspect”, State registration №: 01910011992

“Development of Scientific Bases of Optimization and Protection of Natural Ecosystems of Mountains and Foothills of the Crimea”, State registration №: 01860104791

Total – 74

Oberemok V.V., Gninenko Yu.I., Simchuk A.P. DNA Insecticides: Application of the Iap-2 Gene Single-stranded Fragments from Three Different Nucleo-polyhedroviruses against Second Instar Gypsy Moth Larvae // Universal Journal of Applied Science, 2013. – V. 1(2), P. 33-37, DOI: 10.13189/ujas.2013.010201

Simchuk A.P., Oberemok V.V, Ivashov A.V. Genetics of Interactions among Moths, Their Host Plants and Enemies in Crimean Oak Forests, and Its Perspective for Their Control // In: Moths: Types, Ecological significance and Control ; еd. Luis Cauterruccio. – New York : Nova Science Publishers, 2012. – P. 187-205.

Simchuk A.P., Ivashov A.V. Influence of genetic variation in oak leaf roller pupae and their host plants on body sizes of their parasitoids, Itoplectis maculator (Fabricius, 1775) // Psyche (USA). – 2011. – V. 2011, article ID 682572, 8 pages. DOI: 10.1155/2011/682572

Ивашов А.В., Симчук А.П., Савушкина И.Г. Консортивные связи листогрызущих насекомых в индивидуальных консорциях дуба пушистого (аккумуляция и миграция тяжелых металлов, роль генетических факторов). Симферополь: Изд-во «Фактор», 2008. – 140 с.

Simchuk A.P., Ivashov F.V., Savushkina I.G., Oberemok V.V. Community genetics: RAPD-PCR fragments in oak marking heavy metal accumulation and herbivore micro-community structure // Visnik DNU. Biologija, ecologija, 2006, № 5. V.14, – P. 78-84.

Ivashov A.V., Boyko G.E., Simchuk A.P. The role of host plant phenology in the development of the oak leafroller moth, Tortrix viridana L. (Lepidoptera: Tortricidae) // Forest Ecology and Management. – 2002. – P. 7-14.

Ivashov A.V., Medvedkov D.A., Simchuk A.P. Possible role of inhibitors of trypsin-like proteases in the resistance of oaks to damage by oak leafroller Tortrix viridana L. and gypsy moth Lymantria dispar L. // Ecological Entomology (GB), 2001.- V. 26, N 6, pp. 664-668.

Simchuk A.P., Ivashov A.V., Companiytsev V.A. Genetic patterns as possible factors causing population cycles in oak leafroller moth Tortrix viridana L. // Forest Ecology & Management (Netherlands). 1999, 113: 35-49.


Halytska str., 201
Department of Biology and Ecology
Vasyl Stefanyk Precarpathian National University

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