Cherepanyn Roman

PhD, Associate Professor

Expert in alpine vegetation and
conservation biology


Research interestsEducationExperienceGrants and ProjectsMain publicationsContacts

Research interests: rare large carnivore (bear, lynx) – their monitoring and conservation (Carpathians, Polissya), management of nature conservation projects, “human-wildlife” conflicts, Ukrainian Carpathians, subalpine and alpine habitats, rare arctic-alpine plant species – its’ population ecology.
– population ecology
– arctic-alpine plant species
– rare, endemic, relict and geographically peripheral species
– Carpathians
– highland ecosystems
– nature protection and management
– ecological networks
– project management and communication
– rare large carnivores (bear, lynx)
– environmental journalism

PhD in biology, major 03.00.16 ecology, Oles Honchar Dnipro National University, Dnipro (Ukraine).
Thesis: Ecological features of generative reproduction in the populations of rare arctic-alpine plant species of the Ukrainian Carpathians.

M.A. in biology, specialty – botany
Ivan Franko National University of Lviv, Lviv (Ukraine).
Thesis: Seeds viability and germination of rare plant species in the highlands of the Ukrainian Carpathians.

B.A. in biology
Ivan Franko National University of Lviv, Lviv (Ukraine).
Thesis: Biometric characteristics of Ranunculus thora L. populations..

Good communication skills, I have over 4 years experience as university tutor in the field of common ecology, nature conservation and population ecology of plants. I am participating as a project coordinator in an international project of WWF Central and Eastern Europe (WWF-CEE) on conservation and management of rare large carnivores..

2019 – to date
Project officer
WWF Ukraine – Wildlife Programme, Rare species direction.
Support and management of the project about conservation of rare large carnivores and coexistence between humans and large predators.

2014 – to date
Lecturer, university tutor
Vasyl Stefanyk Precarpathian National University, Ivano-Frankivsk, Ukraine (department of Biology and Ecology, courses: common ecology, nature conservation and population ecology of plants)

2013 – 2014
Internship, University of Lodz, Poland (department of Nature Conservation)

2012 – 2013
Social media manager, editor, Lviv, Ukraine (informational and analytical online resource

2008 – 2011
Laboratory assistant
Institute ecology of the Carpathians, Lviv (National Academy of Sciences of Ukraine), department of Population Ecology).

“Collegium Carpathicum” – regional universities network.
Participation in the project Collegium Carpathicum. Collegium Carpathicum is a network of seven universities from the countries of the Carpathian region (Poland, Hungary, the Czech Republic, Slovakia, Ukraine and Romania).

The State Fund for Fundamental Research of Ukraine.
Participation in the project «Establishing changes of vitality and distribution of rare species of vascular plants and mosses in the highlands of the Ukrainian Carpathians under the influence of climatic factors» between Institute ecology of the Carpathians NAS of Ukraine, Ivan Franko National University of Lviv and Vasyl Stefanyk Precarpathian National University (supported by The State Fund for Fundamental Research of Ukraine). The project is funded within the framework of a joint competition (Ф76) of scientific projects of higher educational establishments and scientific institutions of the National Academy of Sciences of Ukraine with support of the State Fund for Fundamental Research of Ukraine.

The State Fund for Fundamental Research of Ukraine.
Participation in the project «Influence of climate changes on the habitats of rare plant species populations of the highlands of the Ukrainian Carpathians» between Institute ecology of the Carpathians NAS of Ukraine, Ivan Franko National University of Lviv and Vasyl Stefanyk Precarpathian National University (supported by The State Fund for Fundamental Research of Ukraine). The project is funded within the framework of a joint competition (Ф76) of scientific projects of higher educational establishments and scientific institutions of the National Academy of Sciences of Ukraine with support of the State Fund for Fundamental Research of Ukraine.

The Rufford Foundation.
Management and realizing of the project «Status and structure of populations of rare arctic-alpine plant species in highland ecosystems of the Ukrainian Carpathians» (supported by «The Rufford Foundation»).

Awards and scholarships
The Queen Jadwiga Fund.
Participation in the scholarship program “The Queen Jadwiga Fund” of Jagiellonian University in Krakow. The aim of the Fund is to aid scholars and PhD students from Central-Eastern Europe, former Soviet Union and the Balkan area, who plan to conduct their research in Kraków.

Scholarship program for young scientists provided by the Polish government.
The Centre for East European Studies at the University of Warsaw. «Program Stypendialny dla Młodych Naukowców». Theme of the work: Nature conservation in Poland and Ukraine: history, legal aspects and organizational structure.

Total number of publication – 31
Hleb R., Loya V., Cherepanyn R. (2020). Salix herbacea L. (Salicaceae) in the Maramures massif of the Ukrainian Carpathians // Plant Introduction, 85/86. – P. 130–136. (Eng)
Cherepanyn R.M. (2019). Changes in population vitality of rare arctic-alpine plant species in high mountain part of the Ukrainian Carpathians under influence of climatic factors // Studia biologica. Volume 13 (1). – P. 117-128. (Eng)
Cherepanyn R.M. (2019). Impact of high-altitude forests on the populations of rare arctic-alpine plant species // International scientific and practical conference “Temperate and boreal primeval forests in the face of global change” (Swiss Federal Institute for Forest, Snow and Landscape Research WSL and the Ukrainian National Forestry University, Lviv, September 2-4, 2019). – P. 77. (Eng)
Bedernichek T., Partyka T., Cherepanyn R., Kuchma T., et al. (2018). Environmental impact of the planned ski resort Svydovets: far-reaching consequences on the ecosystems and biodiversity // 5 th Forum Carpaticum “Adapting to Environmental and Social Risk in the Carpathian Mountain Region” (Hotel Eger-Park, Eger, Hungary, 15-18 October 2018). – P. 74-75. (Eng).
Cherepanyn R.M. (2018). Effect of climate changes on the habitat of rare arctic-alpine plant species in the high mountain part of the Ukrainian Carpathians // Studia biologica. Volume 12 / №. 1. – P. 73-86. (Eng)
Cherepanyn R. M. (2017). Arctic-alpine plant species of the Ukrainian Carpathians. – Ivano-Frankivsk: Publishing house of Vasyl Stefanyk Precarpathian National University. – 92 pp. (Ukr)
Cherepanyn R. M. (2017). Rare arctic-alpine plant species of the Ukrainian Carpathians: ecological aspects // The Second Interdisciplinary Symposium «Biogeography of the Carpathians: Ecological and evolutionary facets of biodiversity» (Cluj-Napoca, Romania, 28-30 September, «Universitatis Babeş-Bolyai»). – P. 92-93. (Eng)
Cherepanyn R. M. (2016). Recommendations for the conservation of some rare arctic-alpine plant species in the Chornohora mountains (Ukrainian Carpathians) // Scientific Bulletin NLTU Ukraine. Vol. 26.8. – P. 249-256. (Eng)
Pochynok T.V., Cherepanyn R.M. (2011). Population diversity of Saussurea alpine (L.) DC. in Chornohora by morphometric parameters // Studia biologica. Volume 5 / №. 11. – P. 141-148. (Ukr)
Cherepanyn R.M. (2010). Peculiarity of generative reproduction in populations of rare arctic-alpine plants in Chornohora (Ukrainian Carpathians) // Visnyk of Lviv University. Biological series. Issue 54. – P. 151-158. (Ukr)


Halytska str., 201
Department of Biology and Ecology
Vasyl Stefanyk Precarpathian National University

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